(University Department of Botany)


The postgraduate teaching in Botany at this University started in 1958 at L. S. College, Muzaffarpur under the then University of Bihar. The University got its campus in 1973. In 1976 Postgraduate and Undergraduate teaching were bifurcated. At present the University Department is running in its double storied building, with a lush green sprawling campus. The building of this Department was built under the guidance of the then Head, Dr S. S. Prasad.The first batch 1971-73 of M.Sc. passed out from this Department and since then, the students have passed every year from the Department with flying colours. Dr Ranjana Kumari is at present Head of the Department. The faculty members of this department who have retired in the past The Late Dr A.B. Prasad, The Late Dr K.K. Jha,  The Late Dr  T.K.S. Singh, The Late Dr S.N.Pandey, The Late Dr U.K. Sinha, The Late Dr B.D.Sinha, The Late Professor B.B. Srivastava, Dr S.C. Srivastava, Dr B.N.Verma, Dr R.S. Bilgrami, Dr K. Mohan, Dr C.P. Shukla, Dr Preeti Prasad, Dr S. Kumar, Dr B. B. P. Sinha, The Late Dr R. P. Roy, Dr S. N. Sharma, Dr L. N. Shukla, Dr S. D. P. Sinha, Dr A.K. Singh and Dr. K.Hamidi. They have brought laurels for the Department in many ways. The Department  has completed several major and minor research projects funded by UGC, CSIR, Man & Biosphere (MAB) Programme, D.O.En. Bio Mass Project, DST, AICTE, Special Assistance Programme. of UGC in the past. Since the very beginning, the department  had established research laboratories in the area of Mycology & Plant Pathology, Cytogenetics & Plant Breeding, Plant Physiology, Morphogenesis & Tissue Culture (Plant Biotechnology), Algology. The post graduate students of Botany by virtue of their specialization are doing well in different fields.



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  • Publication
  • Molecular Characterization of Protease Producing Stenotrophomonas and their Cytotoxic Effects on Cancer cell lines.
  • International Journal of Cell Science & Molecular Biology, ISSN 2572-1100, JP Juniper Publishers 5(2): IJCSMB. MS.ID. 555660(2018)
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  • Publication
  • Studies of Plant Biodiversity Promoting Cultivation and Conservation Strategy of Rare Fruit Plants of Bihar.
  • Journal of Emerging Technologies and innovative research (IJETIR) www.jetir.org, (ISSN-2349-5162) October 2018, Volume 5, Issue 10,
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  • Publication
  • In vitro morphogenetic studies for conservation of Lotus: Effect of growth hormones on seed germination
  • Int. J. Mendel, Vol. 35(1-2), 2018 & 36(1-2), 2019 125-127, ISSN 0970-9649
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  • Publication
  • Studies on effect of Benzyl amino purine on In Vivo morphogenesis in Marsilea quadrifolia L.
  • Int. J. Mendel, Vol. 35(1-2), 2018 & 36(1-2), 2019 27-29, ISSN 0970-9649
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  • Publication
  • Isolation Characterization and identification of lignocellulose degrading actinomycetes from litchi fruit orchard of Muzaffarpur, Bihar, India.
  • The Pharma Innovation www.thepharmajournal.com, ISSN (E): 2277-7695, (P): 2349-8242, NAAS Rating: 5.03, TPI 2018; 7(8): 463-467.
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  • Publication
  • Induction of Callus From Root Explant of capparis spinosa L.
  • Indian J. Sci. Res. 20(2): 12-16, 2018. (P) ISSN: 0976-2876 (E) 2250-0138, www.ijsr.inc
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  • Publication
  • Micropropagation of Centella asiatica through tissue culture an attempt to develop an efficient protocol for large scale production
  • Indian J. Sci. Res. 08 (2): 41-45, 2018. (P) ISSN: 0976-2876 (E) 2250-0138, www.ijsr.inc
  • View
  • Publication
  • Study of some Aquatic Plants of Pandaul Block of Madhubani District, Bihar with special reference to their ethnobotany
  • Journal of Emerging Technologies and innovative research (IJETIR) www.jetir.org, (ISSN-2349-5162) June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 10, Pp. 979-982
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  • Publication
  • 16S rRNA gene sequencing and PCR amplification of gelatinase producing Streptomyces strain of fruit orchard
  • IOSR Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry(IOSR-JBB), ISSN: 2455-264X, Volume 5, issue 2 (March-April,2019, pp. 25-31, www.iosrjournals.org
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  • Publication
  • Effect of Environmental Factors, Different forms of Carbon, Inorganic and Organic Form of Nitrogenous Compounds on Mycelial Growth of Alternaria alternata Isolated from Infected Fruit of Bottle Gourd (Lagenaria siceraria (Molina)st.)
  • Indian J. Sci. Res. 09 (2): 103-109, 2019, (P) ISSN: 0976-2876, (E) ISSN: 2250-0138, DOI: 10.32606/IJSR.V9.12.00018
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  • Publication
  • Screening and Mollecular Characterization of Cellulose Producing Actinobacteria from Litchi Orchard.
  • Current Chemical Biology, 2018,12, 000-000, reprinted by benthamscience.ae, https:doi.org/10.2174/2212796812666180718114432, Bentham Science Publisher
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  • Publication
  • Use of Ethnomedicinal Aquatic Plants in Traditional Health Care--Sitamarhi District, Bihar(India)
  • Parishodh Journal, ISSN: 2347-6648, Volume IX (3), March/2020, Pp.8946-8948
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  • Publication
  • YAP promotes neural crest emigration through interactions with BMP and Wnt activities
  • Ce[[ Communication and Signaling, biosignaling.biomedcentral.com, June 2019
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  • Publication
  • Tissue Culture Study For Efficient Callus Induction From Internodal Explants of Asparagus racemosus Wild an Important Medicinal Herb
  • Indian J. Sci. Res. 20(2): 12-16, 2018. (P) ISSN: 0976-2876 (E) 2250-0138, www.ijsr.inc
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  • Publication
  • Induction of callus from different explants of Bacopa monnieri and effect of adjuvant on growth rate of the caalli
  • Indian J. Sci. Res. 10(1): 113-120, 2019,, (P) ISSN: 0976-2876 (E) 2250-0138, www.ijsr.DOI: 10.32606/IJSR.V10.12.00002 https://wwwijsr.ininc,
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  • Publication
  • 2019 Noval Corona Virus (2019-n Cov) Pandemic: A Preliminary Review
  • BIOGLOBIA Vol.7(1): 38-46,2020, ISSN: 2349-5626, http://bioglobia.in
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  • Publication
  • Study of Morphology of Some Aquatic Plants of Madhuba ni District (Bihar)
  • Parishodh Journal, ISSN: 2347-6648, Volume IX (1), January2020, Pp.550-554
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  • Publication
  • Tissue culture study of Eclipta alba (L) Hassk an important medicinal herb of traditional medicine
  • International Journal of Research and Analytical Review (IJRAR) October 2020, Volume 7, Issue 4, E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138, www.ijrar.orgISSN
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  • Publication
  • Effect of growth hormones on callus induction and shoot induction in Crataeva religiosa var. Nurvula (Buch-Ham)
  • International Journal of Botany Studies, Volume 5; Issue 6; 2020 Pp 288-253, ISSN 2455-541X; www.botanyjournals.com,Impact Factor: RJIF 5.12.12
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  • Publication
  • Antimicrobial and Antioxident potential of Achyranthes aspera Linn. and its increased prevalence in Cosmetics
  • Indian J. Applied & Pure Bio. Vol. 35(2), Pp. 243-254 (2020), ISSN: 0970-2091, htpps://www.biology-journal.org
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  • Publication
  • Evaluation of antimicrobial activity of ethanolic leaf extract of sapindus trifoliatus against human pathogenic bacteria
  • International Journal of Research and Analytical Review (IJRAR) October 2020, Volume 7, Issue 4, E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2, Pp. 218-223.www.ijrar.com.349-5138, www.ijrar.orgISSN
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  • Publication
  • Phytochemical and Antimicrobial Evaluation of in vivo and in vitro regenerants of Trachyspermum ammi Linn.-A Herbal Spicy Medicinal plant
  • IOSR Journal of Pharmacy And Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBC), e-ISSN: 2278-3008, p: 2319-7676, Volume 15, Issue 5 Ser. Vi (Sep-Oct 2020) Pp. 06-11, www.Iosrjournals.Org.
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  • Publication
  • Tissue culture Study of Eclipta alba for Induction of multiple Shoots on nodal Explants.
  • International Journal of Research and Analytical Review (IJRAR) October 2020, Volume 7, Issue 4, E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138, www.ijrar.orgISSN
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  • Publication
  • Air pollution: Sources and its Effects on Humans and Plants
  • International Journal of Plant & Environment,2022,2455-202x (Online), Pp.10-24,DOI: 10.18811/ijpen.v8/01.02 htpps://wwwijplantenviro.com
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  • Publication
  • A study of taxonomy and ethnopharmacological role of medicinal plants in the health care system of the tribal blocks of district Gopalganj, Bihar
  • International Journal of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, 2023;3(1):Pp 32-39, E-ISSN:2789-3073,P-ISSN:2789-3065
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  • Notification
  • Vice Chancellor massage on International Yoga Day
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  • Notice
  • Submission of examination form and fees of PG 3rd semester
  • Students of PG 3rd semester are directed to fill and submit the forms on time as directed by the University
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  • Notification
  • Fee break-up information for all students
  • Kindly see this notice, and for any inquiry contact head clerk
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  • Notification
  • Fee break-up information to SC, ST and girl candidates
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  • Notice
  • Notice for 2nd semester (2023-2025) students for commencement of classes
  • Notice for 2nd semester (2023-2025) students for commencement of classes
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  • Notice
  • Notice for admission in Short Term Skill Development Course
  • Notice for admission in Short Term Skill Development Course, in Computer and ICT
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  • Notice
  • Notice for monthly test of M.Sc. (2023-25) students
  • Notice of Monthly Test
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  • Notice
  • Notice of PAT-22 Interview
  • Notice for PAT-22 Interview
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  • Notice
  • Notice for research scholars
  • Notice for research scholars for their attendance
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  • Induction Program
  • 09-04-2024
  • The induction of PG first-semester students was organised in the Department and Dr Sangeeta Rani Dean of Social Science was presiding over this program.
  • Webinar on Research Methodology
  • 20-01-2022
  • A webinar on Research Methodology was organized by the University Department on 20.01.2022 and Prof. Praveen Kr. Verma, Director of Research and Development JNU, New Delhi was the speaker.
  • Departmental Seminar
  • 15-05-2024
  • Students of the third semester are presenting in the Departmental Seminar.

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