VC's Desk



To foster the all-round development of students through multifaceted education and activities, to empower humanity through a cadre of enlightened and morally upright individuals. We aim to drive national and societal progress by proactively addressing challenges, thereby contributing to the overall development of our nation.


First and foremost, "I am honored to have the opportunity to serve as the Vice-Chancellor of B.R. Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur, my birthplace. Having assumed office a month ago, it is the opportune time to articulate my vision, establish goals, and outline road maps to achieve academic excellence for this historically significant institution. Observed during the past month have provided me valuable insights into the university's performance and working culture and highlighted areas that require attention to bring it to par."

Academic Research Achievements

To enhance research activities by collaborating with reputed institutions and establishing a Research Promotion Cell to monitor patents, projects, and publications. Foster academic collaborations, including the signed agreement with Lucknow University.

Sports and Cultural Activities

To promote the holistic development of students by participation in cultural and sports activities. Resurrect the sports council and provide training sessions with elite athletes to make it more engaging and productive for students who aspire to be athletes. It is crucial to spot talent early on and provide them with the utmost guidance and training they need to make big contributions on a global scale in order to develop talent, teamwork, and values and prepare people for such accomplishments.

Global participation

Through worldwide collaborations, create a new paradigm for global participation. Increase the university's online visibility to raise its profile internationally.

Staff and Student Well-being

To foster the professional growth, and development, of faculty and staff. Encourage exceptional research, and innovative thinking, and promote the ideas and conduct that enhance the well-being of faculty and students.

Yoga and Meditation

to shed light on the benefits of yoga and meditation for overall health and inner tranquility, and encourage people to practice these practices.

Student-Centric Approach

To establish such a student-centric framework with the assistance of the university's officials and staff, who will not only recognize the issues related to students but also resolve them as quickly as feasible.

Alumni Association

To support our graduates' professional development, networking opportunities, and knowledge sharing, want to establish a well-functioning Alumni Association. This will not only improve the outcomes for our current students but also strengthen the bonds among all our graduates. We aim to provide mentorship, foster a sense of community, and celebrate the rich history of over 70 years of training, placement, and progress at our educational institutions. Teaming up with our alumni will be a valuable asset in ensuring success and motivation for all those associated with our educational journey.

Contribution to Bihar's Vision

To make every effort to encourage students from all over the country to choose B. R. Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur for their academic endeavors.