(University Department of Russian)


Бихарский Университет Имени Бабасахеба Бхимрао Амбедкара   

Музаффарпур, Бихар, Индия.   


B. R. Ambedkar Bihar University

 Muzaffarpur (Bihar, India) – 842001

Короткая история кафедры

Кафедра является единственным центром изучения русского языка в Бихаре.  Кафедра была основана в 1973 году. Он был создан для укрепления дружбы между Россией и Индией. СССР (Россия) внес финансовый и академический вклад в развитие кафедры. Здание языкового корпуса университета также финансировалось СССР. В первые годы преподавание русского языка в университете вела женщина-профессор, носитель русского языка, а также основатель кафедры доктор Садашив Хаваре. В течение многих лет кафедра была ведущим центром русского языка в Бихаре и Джаркахаде.  С самого начала на факультете было три курса: сертификат, диплом и диплом постдипломного образования. Кафедра пережила не лучшие времена, когда все профессора ушли на пенсию в 2017 году, и в течение многих лет была закрыта из-за нехватки преподавательского состава.

Кафедра практически не функционировала, так как на ней не было ни студентов, ни преподавателей. Однако в 2022 году в сентябре на кафедру по заказу BSUSC пришли три доцента. К настоящему времени кафедра пересмотрела прежний учебный план по семестрам и прошла его через компетентные органы. Кафедра также работает над расширением учебных корпусов и внедрением программ M.A. и Ph.D.

Brief History of the Department

The department is only center for learning Russian Language in Bihar.  The department was established in the year 1973. It was established to cement the Russia-India Friendship. The USSR (Russia) made financial and academic contribution to the Department. The building of the Language block of the University was also funded by the USSR. In the beginning years a native Russian lady-professor along with the founder of the department Dr. SadaShiv Khaware used to teach the Russian language at the University. The Department had been a leading center for Russian Language for many years in Bihar and Jharkahad.  There were three courses, i.e., Certificate, Diploma and Post Graduate Diploma since the beginning. The department witnessed the bad times when all the professors had retired in the year 2017 and was closed for many years in want of teaching staffs.

It was virtually dysfunctional as the department had no students and teaching faculties. However, in the year 2022 in September three assistant professors have joined the department commissioned by the BSUSC. The department so far has revised the previous syllabus in semester pattern and passed it through competent bodies. The department further is also working to expand the Offred courses and to introduce M.A. and Ph.D programs.


Деятельность кафедры

Кафедра регулярно организует различные академические и культурные мероприятия. Кафедра также организует специальные приглашенные лекции индийских и зарубежных академиков. В 2023–24 учебном году кафедра организовала следующие мероприятия.

  1. Международный поэтический фестиваль
  2. Приглашенная лекция на тему «Фонетические аспекты изучения русского языка как иностранного».
  3. Приглашенная лекция на тему «Значение русского языка в современную эпоху»
  4. Фестиваль «Масленица
  5. День Земли 2024


Department's Activities

The Department regularly organizes various academic and cultural activities. The department also organizes special invited lectures by Indian and visiting foreign academicians. In the Academic year 2023 – 24 the following activities was organized by the Department.

  1. International Poetry Festival
  2. Invited Lecture on the “Phonetical aspects of learning Russian as a Foreign Language”
  3. Invited Lecture on the “Importance of Russian Language in Present Era”
  4. Maslenitsa Festival
  5. Earth Day 2024


Журнал кафедры

Кафедра ежегодно издает журнал «Заря - журнал русских исследований». В нем публикуются научные статьи, интервью, рецензии на книги и т. д. как индийских, так и российских филологов.

Department's Journal

The Department publishes a journal ' Zarya - A Journal of Russian Studies' annually. It includes research papers, interviews, book reviews etc by both Indian and Russian philologists.



  1. На факультете имеется лингафонный кабинет, состоящий из компьютеров, оснащенных программным обеспечением для изучения русского языка, которое помогает в применении инновационной методики преподавания, основанной на компьютерном обучении языку.
  2. На кафедре есть SMART Classroom с возможностью проведения видеоконференций.
  3. Кафедра регулярно организует внеклассные и культурные мероприятия, такие как дебаты, викторины, конкурс эссе, конкурс плакатов, чтение стихов, спектакли, песни и т. д. для студентов.
  4. Каждый семестр факультет назначает консультантов и наставников для решения любых академических проблем, с которыми могут столкнуться студенты.


  1. The Department has a language lab consisting of computers equipped with Russian language learning software that assists in innovative teaching methodology based on Computer Assisted Language Learning.
  2. The Department has a SMART Classroom with video conferencing facility.
  3. The Department regularly organizes extracurricular and cultural activities like debates, quiz, essay competition, poster competition, poetry recitation and plays and songs etc. for the students.
  4. The Department appoints course advisors and mentors every semester to address any academic issue that the students may face.


Программы обучения

Кафедра русского языка университета в настоящее время предлагает 3 программы:

  1. Сертификат по русскому языку
  2. Диплом по русскому языку
  3. Диплом постдипломного образования по русскому языку


University Department of Russian currently offers 3 courses:

  1. Certificate in Russian
  2. Diploma in Russian
  3. PG Diploma in Russian


Планы, находящиеся в стадии разработки

  1. Магистратура по русскому языку
  2. Доктор философии по русскому языку
  3. Семинар по русскому языку/литературе
  4. Национальные/международные конференции
  5. Меморандумы о взаимопонимании с российскими университетами

Кафедра будет способствовать проведению как специальных, так и междисциплинарных исследований в области русского языка, литературы, культуры и переводоведения. Кафедра специализируется на различных аспектах русского языка и лингвистики, русской литературы XIX и XX веков, а также современной русской литературы. Кафедра также предоставляет экспертные знания в области методологии преподавания языка, перевода и культурологии, кино и медиа исследований и популярной культуры. Кафедра также будет проводить исследования в области контрастных и сопоставительных исследований.

Plans under pipeline

  1. Masters in Russian
  2. Ph.D. in Russian
  3. Workshop in Russian Language/Literature
  4. National/ International Conferences
  5. MOUs with Russian Universities

The Department will promote area specific as well as inter-disciplinary research activities in the field of Russian Language, Literature, Culture and Translation Studies. The Department has an expertise in various aspects of Russian language and linguistics, 19th Century, 20th Century, as well as Contemporary Russian Literature. The Department will also provide expertise in methodology of language teaching, Translation and Culture Studies, Film and Media Studies and Popular Culture. The Department will provide for research in contrastive and comparative studies as well.


Certificate in Russian
Diploma in Russian
PG Diploma in Russian

No Data available

  • Selected Students
  • Selected student in BPSC (Teacher)
  • View
  • Publication
  • CRITIC, A journal of the Centre of Russian Studies, 2023
  • View
  • Publication
  • Motif of insanity in the works of Aleksei Slapovsky (Dr. Divyam Prakash)
  • Assonance, Department of Russian and comparative literature, University of Calicut, No. 23, January 2023
  • View
  • Publication
  • The comparative study on the theme of alienation and self-deception in “The Metamorphosis” and “I - not I” (Dr. Divyam Prakash)
  • Assonance, Department of Russian and comparative literature, University of Calicut, No. 18, January 2018
  • View
  • Publication
  • Ecocriticism and an insight into the concept of nature in Gieve Patel's "Poetry with young people" (Dr. Divyam Prakash)
  • Assonance, Department of Russian and comparative literature, University of Calicut, No. 16, January 2016.
  • View
  • Publication
  • Conscious, Unconscious and Literature (Dr. Divyam Prakash)
  • Facets of Literary Theory, Department of English, Madura College, Madurai Kamaraj University (Vol.I), 2015
  • View
  • Publication
  • Сопоставительный анализ стереотипных символов как «животное, птицы и дерева» в русском и индийском лингвокультурных сообществах (Comparative analysis of stereotypical symbols (animals, birds and trees) in Russian and Indian linguo-cultural communities) (Ms. Sushma Kumari)
  • THE ETERNITY- An International Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed and Refereed Research Journal, 2018
  • View
  • Publication
  • Difficulties faced by Hindi-speaking and English-speaking students while learning Russian as a foreign language (Ms. Shusma Kumari)
  • Research Today- An International Peer Reviewed and Refereed Research Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, 2019
  • View
  • Publication
  • Comparative study of festivals celebrated in Russia and Northern India (i.e. states of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh) (Ms. Sushma Kumari)
  • Ayan – An International Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed and Refereed Research Journal, 2020
  • View
  • Publication
  • Перевод и переводческий анализ короткого рассказа «देवी» Мунси Премчанда с языка хинди на русском языке. (मुंशी प्रेमचंद की लघु कथा (देवी) का अनुवाद, हिंदी भाषा से रूसी भाषा में और उसका अनुवाद विश्लेषण) (Ms. Sushma Kumari)
  • MANAVIKI -An International Peer Reviewed and Refereed Research Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, 2020
  • View

No Data available

  • Notice
  • Counselling (08.07.23)
  • The University Department of Russian will conduct a counselling of the students who wish to take admission in the courses offered by the department. The admission to the language courses will take place after the counselling. The counselling is mandatory for all the applicants.
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  • Notice
  • Orientation Programme (25.07.23)
  • University Department of Russian welcomes students to the Certificate in Russian and PG Diploma courses in Russian Orientation Programme 2023
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  • Notice
  • 2nd Counselling (18.08.23)
  • The University Department of Russian will conduct a counselling of the students who wish to take admission in the courses offered by the department. The admission to the language courses will take place after the counselling. The counselling is mandatory for all the applicants.
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  • Notice
  • Internal Exam Schedule (05.10.23)
  • Rescheduled Internal Examination
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  • Notice
  • Curriculum Revision Classes (28.12.23)
  • The University Department of Russian will conduct the curriculum Revision Classes from 2nd Jan to 25th Jan 2024 for the students enrolled in the courses (Certificate in Russian and PG Diploma in Russian).
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  • Notice
  • Registration (admission) in 2nd Semester (02.05.24)
  • Instruction for the registration (admission) process of the continuing students of Certificate in Russian (2023-24) and PG Diploma in Russian (2023-25).
  • View
  • Notice
  • Curriculum Revision Classes 2nd Sem (03.05.24)
  • The University Department of Russian will conduct the curriculum Revision Classes from 06th May 2024 to 26 th May 2024
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  • Notice
  • Internal Examination Schedule (15.05.24)
  • Internal Examination Schedule
  • View
  • Orientation Programme
  • 31-07-2023
  • University Department of Russian, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University welcomes students of Russian to the Certificate in Russian, PG Diploma in Russian for Orientation Programme - 2023 to be held on 31st July 2023 (10:30 AM) (Wednesday). 1. Welcome address by Prof. (Dr.) Satish Kumar Rai (Head of the Department), 2. Introduction to Russian History and Culture by Dr. Divyam Prakash 3. Introduction to Language & translation by Ms. Sushma Kumari Programme Coordinators: Dr. Divyam Prakash, Ms. Sushma Kumari E-mail: Russian.brabu@gmail.com
  • International Poetry Festival
  • 22-02-2024
  • The University Department of Russian has organized an online One-day International Poetry Festival in collaboration with Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH), Moscow, Russia and 15 others academic institutions to develop the soft-skills among the students. It gave them the opportunity to meet the native Russian speakers and learn the current trends in the Russian language. It was aimed to exchange of knowledge and develop the social skills required on international platforms. The festival was conducted in online mode to celebrate the "International Mother Language Day (UNESCO)" on 22nd Feb 2024. This year, 114 participants from 17 Organizing institutions and 28 Organizing teachers attended the event. There was a significant representation from India, Russia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan. Our students - participants were present at the Department and recited the poems in Russian and Hindi Languages.
  • Maslenitsa Festival
  • 16-03-2024
  • CULTURAL ACTIVITIES: The University Department of Russian is celebrating the Festival Maslenitsa 2024 to be held at the Senate Hall of the B.R. Ambedkar Bihar University in Muzaffarpur on 16th March 2024. The cultural activities includes Russian group dance, Russian Poem recitation, Poster Making, Collage making, Singing, Art and Craft, Short dramas, Photography, etc. Russian culinary competition is also held at the senate hall.
  • Invited Lecture on the “Phonetical aspects of learning Russian as a Foreign Language”.
  • 17-03-2024
  • An invited lecture on topic “Phonetical aspect of Russian as a Foreign language” was organized at university department of Russian, Bihar University, Muzaffarpur. The founder of Russian Department, B.R. Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur, Dr. Sadashiv Khabare delivered the lecture to students of University Department of Russian, on various themes like, developing the skill to read, write, and speak Russian fluently and along with it he discussed the importance of the phonetical aspects during the professional interpretation in any specific industrial sectors (pharmaceuticals, shipbuilding, defense medical), international relation, various ministries. And also, to develop industry specific vocabulary and techniques to acquire them easily.
  • Invited Lecture on the “Importance of Russian Language in Present Era”.
  • 19-03-2024
  • An invited lecture on the topic “Importance of Russian Language in the Present Era” was organized at the University Department of Russian, Bihar University, Muzaffarpur. Proctor and Senior Assistant Professor (Russian Language) of BHU, VARANASI, Dr. Upendra Kumar delivered the lecture to students at the University Department of Russian on various themes, like - the future perspective of learning Russian language (scholarships to study in Russia, academic activities through Russian language, Research in Russian language). He guided the students of Russian Department about Job opportunities after learning Russian Language and discussed various public and private sectors, where thorough the Russian Language one can get job easily, along with it he discussed Industry-Academia Innovative practices. In the era of Distractions, he motivated students to be focused and develop career oriented soft skills. He has also motivated students to choose translator and interpreter jobs as a career option, as nowadays, many private and PSU’S hire Russian experts. In many private-owned industries job opportunities are available as translators and Interpreters. He also highlighted on Indo-Russian cultural aspect of learning the Russian Language in present era.
  • Earth Day
  • 22-04-2024
  • The University department of Russian organized an event on the eve of “International Earth Day” on 22nd April 2024. The former dean of Humanities and former H.O.D. of University Department of Russian, B. R. Ambedkar Bihar University (PROF). DR. S.K. Paul delivered a lecture on “Developing life skills and environment protection”. The students along with Hod’s and Professors from various departments of the Language Block planted various trees and plants in language block campus. The students of Russian Department have created the flowerpots from waste materials. Students have participated in poster making competition themed as “Save the Earth”’. It was aimed to teach the life skills required in the current era of Global Warming.

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